Benefits of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Certification:-
1. Increased Efficiency
2. Increased in Revenue
3. Good Employee Morale
4. International Recognition
5. Factual Approach to Decision Making
6. Supplier Relationships
7. Improvements in Documentation
8. Consistency of Processes
9. Improving Customer Satisfaction Level
10. Improvement of Processes
Certification Process
I. Application for assessment – All the necessary information will have to be first provided by you. Then, it will be followed by a quote from us.
A) Quote & Application – The application process will only begin after your organization agreed to the quotations, all the terms and conditions, the certification assessment dates,the audit team makeup and also after the audit schedules have all been developed and agreed upon by you.
B) Stage 1 -This is the first process in assessing your management system. The auditors will assess all the documents and any other related requirements as specified in the standards .You will need to accept the auditors’ assessments prior to the planning of the stage2 assessment process.This process will be carried out on site.Then, reports will be issued by the auditors as proof of the assessments that they had just carried out. This will also indicates to you the progress made in your organization during the ISO certification process. Stage 2 will be planned upon closing of all the improvement areas that have been raised during stage 1 assessment, if any, otherwise the stage 2 audit will be discussed during the end of stage 1 assessment.
C) Pre-registration assessment- This “Pre-assessment” maybe a good optional process that you may opt for prior/after to (Stage 1).It is design to prepare you for the management system certification assessment process. During this process, areas of concern will be identified to you up front and addressed (before/after the commencement of stage 1/2.)
D) Stage 2 - On-site management system assessment (Main Assessment). During the assessing of the management certification assessment process, the following should have taken place:
i) The documented system has been reviewed.
ii) A complete cycle of internal audits have been performed and the results are covered in the management review.
iii) All pre-identified weaknesses in the system has been effectively corrected and closed. The assessment will be carried out on all processes that have been defined in the management system. The assessment methodology will be through interviewing with relevance personnel, sighting through records and verifying through practices.
E) Registration of certificate. - After the successful completion of the Stage 2 auditing process,the on-site management system assessments, the recognition on the compliance of the management systems to the standard by the auditors, recommendations for certification will be forwarded for reviewing and approval by certification panel. Prior to the review and approval process, all outstanding issues will need to be fully addressed first.
The surveillance assessments will be happening on a 6 or 12 months basis. The assessment process is to determine the maintenance, inform the management organization of the latest updates and recommend continuously improvements on the management systems.
VI. Transfer of certification of management system to CARE Certification from other certification bodies.It is easy and no extra cost will be incurred!
A) The process is easy either and when you want our CARE Certification International to be your certification body, please:-
• Tell us about your organization as requested in the application for assessment form.
• No extra charge will be incurred during the transfer process.
• Certificates of CARE Certification International will be issued and assessments will be carried out without disturbing any of your previous certification bodies assessment schedules.
Our directory of certified clients enables you to verify the status of any CARE issued management system certificate. It is available on upon request, do contact us for further information
Contact us at 03-8073 2788 or send your enquiries to admin@cciglobe.com
The ISO Standard has an audit cycle of 3 years.
The first year being Initial assessment to assess the company's existing process, Procedure and control and compliance.
The second and the Third year will be Surveillane Audit, which is to maintain the compliances of the client.
Follow up by the Third year will be Recertification which assess the changes and improvements of the client. It is also the starting of a new cycle.
Extension of Scope
1. For extension of scope, the Certification Manager / Managing Director / Sales Manager will normally liaise with the client concerning the Application of Registration / Assessment. Unless considered urgent to the company, the extension of scope will be requested to be assessed during the next SAV. The assessment is then planned with the client.
2. The client will be requested to submit the revised Management System Manual and related Procedures and to highlight the area of extension of scope. Where the client advises of the need to extend the scope of certification, the following must be ensured:
- • The wording of the scope to be applied.
- • The size of the new activity (number of people involved).
- • Sector Code Holder for the new activity.
- • The duration of the extension to scope assessment.
- • That the activities are covered by the existing registered Quality System.
3. Where the extension to scope is for a new location of a multi sited client where all the activities are exactly the same as other locations, it may be possible to extend the scope without an additional visit. The new location must be added to the sampling plan and visited during the cycle.
- i. If the extension of scope assessment is to be conducted at the same time as planned continuing assessment, the duration of the visit should be extended unless written justification is provided as to the reason(s) for non additional man-days.
ii. All aspects of the applicable Management Standard shall be assessed. Where it is not considered appropriate to assess certain clauses (or sub clauses) of the standard, then written justification shall be given for this within the report.
iii. The report must also cover :
• An indication of the size of the organization covered by the entire scope (this will allow for verification of the man-days allocated to the assessment cycle).
• Any new or revised sector code holder requirements.
iv. If non-conformity is identified during the visit, procedure for closed down will be as per Initial Assessment Visit.
4. Upon Certification Panel validating the recommendation for extension of scope, all future Surveillance Assessment Visits will include the areas covered under the extended scope.
Suspension, Withdrawal or Reduction of Scope of Certification (post audit activity)
1. CCI shall suspend certification in cases when, for example :
- • The client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system. Examples under this case will be major nonconformities not closed down, repeated failures to comply with the ‘Conditions to be met by certified Organization’ in the Terms and Conditions and Serious customer complaints.
• The certified client does not allow surveillance or re-assessment assessments to be conducted at the required frequencies.
• The certified client has voluntarily requested for suspension.
2. In case where the client is not producing, certification may not be suspended, but visits may be postponed if the company has nothing to demonstrate and a visit would be of no value. Make contact with the client on the scheduled visit dates and formally record the status and intentions of the client. The situation may continue until the end of the current certification cycle at which time the certificate must be withdrawn.
3. Suspension of Certification
3.1 Under suspension, the client’s management system is temporarily invalid. Failure to resolve issues that have resulted in the suspension within 3 months from the date of suspension issued, CCI shall withdraw or reduce the scope of certification.
3.2 For voluntary request for suspension by client, the client shall establish formal letter with valid reason for such request. CCI shall follow-up after 6 months on the status and for decision on certification.
3.3 For reduction of scope, the auditor will assess and indicate in the report if the integrity of a referenced activity on its management system certification will be affected and the consequence that the reduction in scope might lead to a total withdrawal of certificate.
3.4 It should be clear from the documentation provided which elements of the scope are being removed
3.5 The suspension status will be reflected in the directory of certified companies.
3.6 Upon suspension, the company will be asked to refrain from promoting its certification.
4. Withdrawal of Certification
4.1 Imposed withdrawal through major nonconformity, repeated failure to comply with Terms and Conditions or serious customer complaint must go through the review process by the Certification Manager and / or Managing Director to ensure impartiality of the decision. Once the decision has been validated the withdrawal can proceed.
4.2 For voluntary withdrawal of certification, the process is similar except the Certification Manager and / or Managing Director’s signature and authority is sufficient.
Upon Certif4.3 CCI will write officially to the company and the certificate will be withdrawn and the directory of certified companies will be amended accordingly.
4.4 Company will also be informed to return relevant CCI ISO Certificate / bromide and to cease using the Certificate Symbol / Accreditation Mark.
4.5 Upon Certification Officer’s reviewing and validating the recommendation for withdrawal of certificate, the company will be asked to return the certificate and to cease the use of the Certification Symbol / Accreditation Mark. The directory of certified companies will be amended and updated accordingly.
5. Reduction of Scope of Certification
5.1 For cases where the integrity of the certification is not affected by the reduction in scope, the Team Leader will submit the Assessment Report to the Certification Manager.
5.2 Upon Certification Manager’s reviewing and validating the recommendation for reduction of scope, all future SAV’s will only cover areas under the reduced scope.
5.3 The new scope of certification will be reflected in the directory of certified companies.
Use of Care certification Logo
Use Of Logo
Certified logo will be provided by Care Certification when requested and clients are only allowed to use the certifiied logo with the corresponding standard that they are certified with.
The Certified logo could be use on public relations material such as Clients letter, Business card, website and on emails.
Clients are not allowed to make modifications to the provided certified logo. The client May request modifications to the certified logo. but the final decision rest with Care Certification.
Should a certificate be suspended or withdrawn, the client must cease using the certified logo on any advertising materials or public relations purposes.
In case of incorrect usage of the certified logo, Care Certification May request for corrective actions.
Use Of Logo
Certified logo will be provided by Care Certification when requested and clients are only allowed to use the certifiied logo with the corresponding standard that they are certified with.
The Certified logo could be use on public relations material such as Clients letter, Business card, website and on emails.
Clients are not allowed to make modifications to the provided certified logo. The client May request modifications to the certified logo. but the final decision rest with Care Certification.
Should a certificate be suspended or withdrawn, the client must cease using the certified logo on any advertising materials or public relations purposes.
In case of incorrect usage of the certified logo, Care Certification May request for corrective actions.