MSPO for Sustainable Palm Oil
Palm oil has long been recognized in West and Central African countries, and is widely used as a cooking oil. European merchants trading with West Africa occasionally purchased palm oil for use as a cooking oil in Europe. Palm oil became a highly sought-after commodity by British traders, for use as an industrial lubricant for machinery during Britain's Industrial Revolution. Driven by the global demands in past few decades have seen rapid expansion of palm oil production and cultivation leading to degradation of land and ecological impact which then leads to formation of Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) initiative.
MSPO Certification Scheme
The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme is the national scheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing facilities to be certified against the requirements of the MSPO Standards. The MSPO Scheme allows for oil palm management certification and supply chain certification and provides for:
- Development of certification standards
- Accreditation requirements and notification of certification bodies
- Application by potential clients for certification audits
- Supply chain traceability requirements
- Guidelines for auditing
- Peer reviewing of audit reports
- Issuance of logo usage licenses
- Procedures for handling of complaints
Types of Certification
- Oil Palm Management Certification
- Supply Chain Certification
The MSPO is divided into four parts: general principles; general principles for independent smallholders; general principles for oil palm plantations and organised smallholders; and general principles for palm oil mills.
Get certified with CARE
The MSPO is divided into four parts: general principles; general principles for independent smallholders; general principles for oil palm plantations and organised smallholders; and general principles for palm oil mills.
The MSPO Principles consists:
(i) Management Commitment & Responsibilities
(ii) Transparency
(iii) Compliance to Legal Requirements
(iv) Social Responsibility, Health, Safety and Employement Conditions
(v) Environment, Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystem
(vi) Best Practise
(vii) Development of New Planting
As required of the development of a Malaysian standard, the MSPO drafts were posted on Sirim’s website for public comments; the first part from October to November 2012, and the second from February to March 2013. Subsequently, the MSPO was approved by the Investment, Trade and Industry Minister on Sept 5 last year.
The MSPO certification has cycle of 5 years. The first year which is the Initial assessment involves gaining insights into the estate's existing practices and review documented policies procedures
After Successfully passing the initial audit and receiving the MSPO Certificate, The Surveillance audit takes place from the second year towards the fifth year to ensure continuos compliance
The ending of the 5 Years cycle will lead to a new cycle, which Recertification takes place for the first year in the new cycle. Renewing and continuing the compliance
Why choose us?
As one of the few organizations that understands standards from start to end, we don’t only access how well you’re meeting them, we help you get the most of your certification.
- Friendly approach auditing skill
- Experience auditor
- Value Added services
- Down to earth best practice's
Do You Know?
We all know that MSPO Standards have been revised recently, from MS 2530:2013 to MS 2530:2022, based on international practices and in accordance with the Standard Setting Process by the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). The MS2530:2022 standard series was launched on the 22 MARCH 2022 with initial approved date from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) on 27 JANUARY 2022.
But do you know what has changed and how it will affect your overall operation and cost? Above all, do you know how you can maintain your current MSPO certification with the new Standards? Contact us today for more.
Road Map to MSPO
E Trace System
To search for validity in the Etrace please click on this link : E Trace MSPO
Search Certificate
To search for Certificate please click on this link : CARE CERT
List of Invitation Letter for Stakeholder
To search for Stakeholder list : List of Invitation letter